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Buttons manager

Set up an buttons managers to load buttons interactions events.

Setup in client

When setting up the client, it is possible to set the manager as a parameter :

const { ShewenyClient } = require('sheweny');

const client = new ShewenyClient({
  intents: ['Guilds'],
  managers: {
    buttons: {
      directory: './interactions/buttons', // Directory where buttons interactions are stored
import { ShewenyClient } from 'sheweny';

const client = new ShewenyClient({
  intents: ['Guilds'],
  managers: {
    buttons: {
      directory: './interactions/buttons', // Directory where buttons interactions are stored

Setup with class

You can also use the class to set up the manager somewhere else :

const { ShewenyClient, ButtonsManager } = require('sheweny');

const client = new ShewenyClient({ intents: ['GUILDS'] });

const BtnsManager = new ButtonsManager(client, {
  directory: './interactions/buttons', // Directory where the buttons are stored

import { ShewenyClient, ButtonsManager } from 'sheweny';

const client = new ShewenyClient({ intents: ['GUILDS'] });

const BtnsManager = new ButtonsManager(client, {
  directory: './interactions/buttons', // Directory where the buttons are stored
