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Start with Sheweny

Installing Node.js

To use sheweny, you'll need to install Node.js. You can do so by going to the Node.js website.


If you do have Node installed, but it's an older version (i.e. anything below 16.6.0), then you must upgrade to the latest version. sheweny V1 requires Node v16.6.0 or higher.

Installing on Windows

If you're developing on Windows, it's as simple as installing any other program. Go to the Node.js website, download the latest version, open up the downloaded file, and follow the steps from the installer.

Installing on macOS

If you're developing on macOS, you have a few options. You can go to the Node.js website, download the latest version, double click the package installer, and follow the instructions. You can also use a package manager like Homebrew with the command brew install node.

Installing on Linux

If you're developing on Linux, you may consult this page to determine how you should install Node. On that note, there's a possibility that you may already have Node installed on your machine (e.g., if you're using a VPS). You can check the installed version by running the node -v command. If it outputs something like v16.6.0 or higher, then you're good to go! Otherwise, take a look at this page for instructions on installing Node on your OS.

Preparing the essentials

To use sheweny, you'll need to install it via npm (Node's package manager). npm comes with every Node installation, so you don't have to worry about installing that. However, before you install anything, you should set up a new project folder.

Setting up a project folder

Like any other project, you should have a dedicated folder to keep it organized and manageable.

Navigate to a place on your machine that's easy to find and reopen in the future for convenience purposes. Create a new folder like you normally would (depending on your OS, you can use mkdir project-name inside your terminal). If you already have a name you want to use for your bot, you can use that as the folder name. Otherwise, you may name it something like discord-bot for the time being (or anything else you have in mind).

Once you're done making the folder, open it up (depending on your OS, you can use cd project-name inside your terminal).

Opening the command prompt

If you're on Linux, you can quickly open up the terminal with Ctrl + Alt + T.

If you're on Windows and aren't familiar with opening up the command prompt, do the following:

  1. Open your bot project folder.
  2. Hold down the Shift key and right-click inside the folder.
  3. Choose the "Open command window here" option.

It should then open up a window with a black background. It's a bit unattractive, but we'll talk about using better, more powerful tools in a different part of the guide.

Using the command prompt

With the command prompt open, run the node -v command to make sure you've successfully installed Node.js. If you see something like v16.6 or higher, great! If not, go back and try installing again.

The next command you'll be running is npm init. This command creates a package.json file for you, which will keep track of the dependencies your bot uses and other info. If you're a bit confused by that, you can ignore it for the time being.

The npm init command will ask you a sequence of questions–you should fill them out as you see fit. If you're not sure of something or want to skip it as a whole, leave it blank and press enter.


Want to get started quickly? Use npm init -y to have it fill out everything for you!

Once you're done with that, you're ready to install sheweny!

Installing sheweny

Now that you've installed Node.js and know how to open up your console and run commands, you can finally install sheweny!

To install sheweny, run the npm install sheweny. This can take a bit of time but should finish fairly quickly.

And that's it! With all the necessities installed, you're almost ready to start coding your bot.